Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Loving Legacy 

God has given us many gifts, but peace is a priceless token of his love.
He said my peace I give to you.  Not an item like a valuable ring or watch or a perishable keepsake to remember me by, but a legacy of peace, Jesus said: “my peace I leave with you.”  Jesus is the Prince of Peace.  This is what Jesus peace looks like:
  •      Songs of deliverance in the night season
  •   A timely word spoken into your spirit in season
  •   Calm in the mist of the scary storms of life
  •   In quietness and confidence will be your strength   Isaiah 30:15
  •   An assurance the all things work together for the good to them that love the Lord.
Peace is a Priceless Gift.  We can’t buy peace we cannot sell peace, but we can make peace with God and with others.  When we make peace with God and our fellow persons then we carry on the loving legacy that our Heavenly Father has given to us.  Because “Blessed are the Peace makers for they shall be called the children of God.”  Matthew 5:9

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