Thursday, March 20, 2014

Two Powerful Words

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High:  Psalm 92:1

To give thanks is to express gratitude.  Thanks is a grateful feeling! Thanks and You are two powerful words,meaning gratitude is directed to YOU.  The two words combined have power as the blazing sunshine. A pure "thank you" makes a person feel good. Thanks breeds life and energy.
To give thanks in a small way or a BIG way is to convey the message, "you have helped me, you have blessed me, you were there for me when I needed you."  It is a good thing to give thanks. Things could always be worst.  The only worst thing in life is to die without a peaceful relationship with our creator who has to judge our existing life for the placement of our eternal life.  Everything in this life is temporal and can be replaced.  To be thankful is a panacea for whatever ales us. When things are looking nebulous "Thank You" gives a reflection of the good things in life. It is good to give thanks, because each life experience good or bad builds upon another as stepping stones to make us a better person.   If we take each step in life rather it be  broken, chipped, short, or a steeped step we will reach the Sun (Son) one step of thanks at a time.

Jesus Christ knew the potent power of the simple two words "Thank You".  At the tomb of his friend Lazarus ... Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. John 11:41  Wow!  When we are expecting God to do the miraculous we should always Thank God in advance.  This shows us the power of  the words Thank You.  Jesus acknowledges those  who will tell him "Thank You".  After Jesus had healed the ten lepers only one leper ... fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. Luke 17:16  It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, ...  Psalm 92:1 

 Often time humans take people, life and God for granted.   The employer takes the employee for granted, the wife takes the husband for granted, the husband takes the wife for granted, children take parents for granted, parents take children for granted, friends take friends for granted and never say "thank you" until the sunset and they are no longer around to feel the warm of love and gratitude.  Spread some sunshine today and take the time to tell someone "thank you" with words, a gift or a card.

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